Alia sententia is another of those nuanced Latin phrases which could be literally transliterated to alien sentiment but also carries with it the meanings of "a different point of view" or "an alternative proposal. It was the closest I could get to "against the stream". The stream today is, of course, novelty and fashion with frenetic haste to always be avant-garde, to grasp at newness and to squeeze the very marrow from its bones until they crumble to dust and drift away through unsated fingers. All while the sweet ordinary slides by unnoticed, the only currency that matters relentlessly consumed, until only regret lingers in the breeze. I admire the stand of John Constable, that great british master of light:
There is room enough for a natural 'painture'. The great vice of the present day is bravura, an attempt to do something beyond the truth. In endeavouring to do something better than well, they do what in reality is good for nothing. Fashion always had, & will have, its day — but truth (in all things) only will last, and can only have just claims on posterity.
Posterity is, of course, a lofty goal, mine is to share the unfolding wonder of creation with
the current incumbents of flesh and sinew - in ways that will remind them, and myself, to slow down and enjoy the view while it lasts.